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Speechless By Ricky Parker

What's good folks?! Hope this post finds you doing just fine. Well, I'm keeping the momentum going with my guest bloggers. As stated before, I am surrounded and supported by the most creative people. I love who's sitting at the table with me! Here's the next post from this weeks guest blogger, Ricky Parker.

Ricky Parker is a husband, a father, but most of all a man after God's heart. After many years of pursuing a career in the entertainment industry, Parker realized his calling wasn't in entertaining, but rather serving others. Having a servant's heart, Parker is passionate about helping others in need and he is currently exercising this passion through an initiative called "Dream For Purpose". The initiative was created in 2011 and focuses on spreading God's love to homeless individuals and at-risk youth around the world. Go ahead and drop by my good man's site Dream For Purpose when you get a moment. SUPPORT THE DREAM!

“Speechless” by Ricky Parker

I spent a whole week preparing a post on having the wrong dreams, but today it hit me that I was preparing for the wrong post. I had my own agenda already set, but never took the time to ask God for His input. I forgot for a second that God’s best is better than my very own. If I truly want the Lord to use me I have to make myself available to hear His instruction. With all that said, I would like to share something very unique that the Lord has laid on my heart, and I want each of you to take time to digest this:

“In a relentless pursuit of more we are destroying our souls and relationships.”

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